International Symposia
Asian Public Policy Program has held several symposia, in cooperation with the Public Economics Program of the School of International and Public Policy, as follows:
In December 1998, "Asian Tax Reforms: Issues and Results"
In January 2000, "Decentralization and Economic Development in Asian Countries"
In February 2001, "Design of Inter-governmental Transfers: Experiences of Asian Countries"
(co-sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA))
In February 2002, "Pension Reforms in Asian Countries"
(co-sponsored by Japanese Supporting Committee of the International Association of Universities)
In January/February 2003, "Indonesia's Decentralization Policy: Problems and Directions"
(co-sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia)
In February 2004, "Fiscal Decentralization in Asia Revisited"
(co-sponsored by the Center of Excellence in Normative Evaluation and Social Choice of Contemporary Economic Systems, Graduate School of Economics and the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
In July 2005, "Health Insurance System in Asia" in January 2005; and on "Tax Policy and Reform in Asia"
In February 2006, "FDI and Corporate Taxation in Asia"
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